4.3.5. Output Files

The OLAF module itself does not produce its own output file. However, additional output channels are made available in AeroDyn. As such, the AeroDyn15 output file is briefly described as well as the outputs made available with OLAF. Visualization files are generated by using the parameter, WrVTK. This parameter is available in the OLAF input file, in which case the VTK files are written to the folder vtk_fvw, or the primary .fst file, in which case the VTK files are written to the folder vtk.

Velocity field outputs can be exported as VTK files. The user can control these outputs using nGridOut and the subsequent table. Results File

OpenFAST generates a master results file that includes the AeroDyn results. The results are in table format, where each column is a data channel, and each row corresponds to a simulation-output time step. The data channels are specified in the OUTPUTS section in the AeroDyn primary input file. The column format of the AeroDyn-generated files is specified using the OutFmt parameter of the OpenFAST driver input file.