Appendix A: OLAF Primary Input File

Check the regression test cases for updates to this input file.

 1--------------------------- OLAF (cOnvecting LAgrangian Filaments) INPUT FILE -----------------
 2Free wake input file for the Helix test case
 3--------------------------- GENERAL OPTIONS ---------------------------------------------------
 4default IntMethod          - Integration method {1: Runge-Kutta 4th order, 5: Forward Euler 1st order, default: 5} (switch)
 50.2     DTfvw              - Time interval for wake propagation. {default: dtaero} (s)
 6default FreeWakeStart      - Time when wake is free. (-) value = always free. {default: 0.0} (s)
 7default FullCircStart      - Time at which full circulation is reached. {default: 0.0} (s)
 8--------------------------- CIRCULATION SPECIFICATIONS ----------------------------------------
 9default CircSolvMethod     - Circulation solving method {1: Cl-Based, 2: No-Flow Through, 3: Prescribed, default: 1 }(switch)
10default CircSolvConvCrit   - Convergence criteria {default: 0.001} [only if CircSolvMethod=1] (-)
11default CircSolvRelaxation - Relaxation factor {default: 0.1} [only if CircSolvMethod=1] (-)
12default CircSolvMaxIter    - Maximum number of iterations for circulation solving {default: 30} (-)
13"NA"    PrescribedCircFile - File containing prescribed circulation [only if CircSolvMethod=3] (quoted string)
15--------------------------- WAKE OPTIONS ------------------------------------------------------
16------------------- WAKE EXTENT AND DISCRETIZATION --------------------------------------------
17150     nNWPanels          - Number of near-wake panels (-)
18default nNWPanelsFree      - Number of free near-wake panels (-) {default: nNWPanels}
19default nFWPanels          - Number of far-wake panels (-) {default: 0}
20default nFWPanelsFree      - Number of free far-wake panels (-) {default: nNWPanels}
21default FWShedVorticity    - Include shed vorticity in the far wake {default: false}
22------------------- WAKE REGULARIZATIONS AND DIFFUSION -----------------------------------------
23default DiffusionMethod    - Diffusion method to account for viscous effects {0: None, 1: Core Spreading, "default": 0}         
242       RegDeterMethod     - Method to determine the regularization parameters {0: Constant, 1: Optimized, 2: Chord-scaled, 3: dr-scaled, default: 0 }          
25default RegFunction        - Viscous diffusion function {0: None, 1: Rankine, 2: LambOseen, 3: Vatistas, 4: Denominator, "default": 3} (switch)
26default WakeRegMethod      - Wake regularization method {1: Constant, 2: Stretching, 3: Age, default: 1} (switch)
270.25    WakeRegFactor      - Wake regularization factor (m or -)
280.25    WingRegFactor      - Wing regularization factor (m or -)
291000    CoreSpreadEddyVisc - Eddy viscosity in core spreading methods, typical values 1-1000 
30------------------- WAKE TREATMENT OPTIONS ---------------------------------------------------
31default TwrShadowOnWake    - Include tower flow disturbance effects on wake convection {default:false} [only if TwrPotent or TwrShadow]
32default ShearModel         - Shear Model {0: No treatment, 1: Mirrored vorticity, default: 0}
33------------------- SPEEDUP OPTIONS -----------------------------------------------------------
34default VelocityMethod     - Method to determine the velocity {1:Segment N^2, 2:Particle tree, 3: Particle N^2, 4: Segment Tree, default: 2}
35default TreeBranchFactor   - Branch radius fraction above which a multipole calculation is used {default: 1.5} [only if VelocityMethod=2,4]
36default PartPerSegment     - Number of particles per segment [only if VelocityMethod=2,3]
38--------------------------- OUTPUT OPTIONS  ---------------------------------------------------
39default WrVTk              - Outputs Visualization Toolkit (VTK) (independent of .fst option) {0: NoVTK, 1: Write VTK at each time step, default: 0} (flag)
40default nVTKBlades         - Number of blades for which VTK files are exported {0: No VTK per blade, n: VTK for blade 1 to n, default: 0} (-) 
41default VTKCoord           - Coordinate system used for VTK export. {1: Global, 2: Hub, 3: Both, default: 1} 
42default VTK_fps            - Frame rate for VTK output (frames per second) {"all" for all glue code timesteps, "default" for all OLAF timesteps} [only if WrVTK=1] 
430       nGridOut           - Number of grid outputs
44GridName  GridType  TStart  TEnd     DTGrid    XStart    XEnd   nX    YStart   YEnd    nY    ZStart   ZEnd   nZ
45(-)         (-)      (s)     (s)      (s)        (m)      (m)    (-)    (m)     (m)     (-)    (m)     (m)    (-)