4.16.1. Nomenclature

Table 4.12 List of Available FAST.Farm Output Channels


atmospheric boundary layer solver


ambient wind and array effects (module)


axial induction factor, distributed radially


coherence decrement parameter


blade-element momentum


coherence offset parameter

\(C^\text{O}_\text{HWkDfl}\), \(C^\text{OY}_\text{HWkDfl}\), \(C^\text{x}_\text{HWkDfl}\), and \(C^\text{xY}_\text{HWkDfl}\)

calibrated parameters in the horizontal wake-deflection correction


maximum blade chord length


calibrated parameter for wake meandering


calibrated parameter in the near-wake correction


calibrated parameter in the wake-diameter calculation

\(C^\text{DMax}_{\nu \text{Amb}}\), \(C^\text{DMin}_{\nu \text{Amb}}\), \(C^\text{Exp}_{\nu Amb}\), and \(C^\text{FMin}_{\nu Amb}\)

calibrated parameters in the eddy-viscosity filter function for ambient turbulence

\(C^\text{DMax}_{\nu \text{Shr}}\), \(C^\text{DMin}_{\nu \text{Shr}}\), \(C^\text{Exp}_{\nu \text{Shr}}\), and \(C^\text{FMin}_{\nu \text{Shr}}\)

calibrated parameters in the eddy-viscosity filter function for the wake shear layer

\(^\text{AzimAvg}C_t(r)\) and \(^\text{FiltAzimAvg}C_t(r)\)

azimuthally averaged thrust-force coefficient (normal to a rotor disk), distributed radially, and its low-pass time-filtered value


magnitude of partial coherence between points \(i\) and \(j\)


dynamic-link library


dynamic wake meandering


Assumed rotor diameter when generating TurbSim inflow

\(D^\text{Rotor}\) and \(^\text{Filt}D_{n_p}^\text{Rotor}\)

rotor diameter and its low-pass time-filtered value at wake plane \(n_p\)


wake diameter at wake plane \(n_p\)


FLOw Redirection and Induction in Steady state




cutoff (corner) frequency of the low-pass time filter


aerodynamic applied loads distributed radially per unit length for blade \(n_b\)


maximum excitation frequency

\(F_{\nu \text{Amb}}(x)\)

eddy-viscosity filter function associated with ambient turbulence

\(F_{\nu \text{Shr}}(x)\)

eddy-viscosity filter function associated with the wake shear layer


high-fidelity modeling


high-performance computer


three-by-three identify matrix


velocity components \(u\), \(v\), and \(w\)

\(k_{\nu \text{Amb}}\)

calibrated parameter for the influence of ambient turbulence in the eddy viscosity

\(k_{\nu \text{Shr}}\)

calibrated parameter for the influence of the wake shear layer in the eddy viscosity


large-eddy simulation


moving frame of reference


message-passing interface


not a number


National Renewable Energy Laboratory

\(N\) and \(n\)

number of discrete-time steps and discrete-time-step counter

\(N_b\) and \(n_b\)

number of rotor blades and blade counter

\(N_{n_p}^\text{Polar}\) and \(n^\text{Polar}\)

number of points in the polar grid of wake plane \(n_p\) and point counter

\(N^\text{Wake}\) and \(n^\text{Wake}\)

number of wakes overlapping a given wind data point in the wind domain and wake counter

\(N_P\) and \(n_P\)

number of wake planes and wake-plane counter

\(N_r\) and \(n_r\)

number of radial nodes and radii counter

\(N_t\) and \(n_t\)

number of wind turbines and turbine counter


OpenFAST (module)


open multiprocessing


global position of a rotor center


global position of the center of wake plane \(n_p\)


random-access memory



\(r\) and \(r^\text{Plane}\)

radius in the axisymmetric coordinate system


radial unit vector in the axisymmetric coordinate system


global \(X\)-, \(Y\)-, and \(Z\)-coordinate


super controller (module)


Simulator fOr Wind Farm Applications


simulation time

\(TI_\text{Amb}\) and \(^\text{Filt}TI_{\text{Amb}_{n_p}}\)

ambient turbulence intensity of the wind at a rotor and its low-pass time-filtered value for wake plane \(n_p\)


discrete-time inputs


advection speed of the synthetic wind data


ambient wind across a high-resolution wind domain around a turbine


ambient wind across a low-resolution wind domain throughout the wind farm


disturbed wind across a high-resolution wind domain around a turbine


disturbed wind across a low-resolution wind domain throughout the wind farm


mean hub-height wind speed

\(\vec{V}_{n_p}^\text{Plane}\) and \(^\text{Filt}\vec{V}_{n_p}^\text{Plane}\)

advection, deflection, and meandering velocity and its low-pass time-filtered value of wake plane \(n_p\)


radial velocity in the axisymmetric coordinate system


radial wake-velocity deficit at wake plane \(n_p\), distributed radially


Visualization Toolkit

\(^\text{DiskAvg}V_x^\text{Rel}\) and \(^\text{FiltDiskAvg}V_x^\text{Rel}\)

rotor-disk-averaged relative wind speed (ambient plus wakes of neighboring turbines plus turbine motion), normal to the disk, and its low-pass time-filtered value


axial velocity in the axisymmetric coordinate system


axial wake-velocity deficit at wake plane \(n_p\), distributed radially

\(^\text{DiskAvg}V_x^\text{Wind}\) and \(^\text{FiltDiskAvg}V_{x_{n_p}}^\text{Wind}\)

rotor-disk-averaged ambient wind speed, normal to the disk, and its low-pass time-filtered value at wake plane \(n_p\)


weighting in the spatial averaging for wind data point \(n^\text{Wind}\)


wake dynamics (module)


Wind-Plant Integrated System Design & Engineering Model

\(x\) and \(x_{n_p}^\text{Plane}\)

downwind distance from a rotor to wake plane \(n_p\) in the axisymmetric coordinate system

\(X\), \(Y\), and \(Z\)

inertial-frame coordinates, with Z directed vertically upward, opposite gravity, X directed horizontally nominally downwind (along the zero-degree wind direction), and Y directed horizontally transversely

\(\hat{X}\), \(\hat{Y}\), and \(\hat{Z}\)

unit vectors of the inertial-frame coordinate system, parallel to the X, Y, and X coordinates


discrete-time states


discrete-time state functions


orientation of a rotor centerline


orientation of wake plane \(n_p\)


discrete-time outputs


discrete-time output functions


bottom vertical location of synthetic turbulence inflow grid


low-pass time-filter parameter

\(\Delta t\)

discrete time step (increment)

\(\gamma^\text{YawErr}\) and \(^\text{Filt}\gamma_{n_p}^\text{YawErr}\)

nacelle-yaw error of a rotor and its low-pass time-filtered value at wake plane \(n_p\)


eddy viscosity


air density


two dimensional


three dimensional