4.12.2. InflowWind Input Files

For fixed and floating MHK turbines, all InflowWind parameters should be defined relative to the seabed. To maintain consistency between the turbine and inflow coordinate systems for MHK turbines, the query points passed to InflowWind are adjusted at the glue code/driver level to place the origin at the seabed. Native Bladed wind file support in InflowWind

The ability to read native Bladed wind files (without scaling) has been added to InflowWind. To use this feature, the WindType must be set to 7 on line 5 of the primary InflowWind input file. An example of this file is given inAn example of this Native Bladed scaling file is included in Section 4.12.4.

7                  WindType       - switch for wind file type (1=steady; 2=uniform; 3=binary TurbSim FF; 4=binary Bladed-style FF; 5=HAWC format; 6=User defined; 7=Bladed native)

In the section for WindType = 4, the name of an intermediate Bladed wind file should be given (including the file extension). The tower file flag is ignored.

================== Parameters for Binary Bladed-style Full-Field files   [used only for WindType = 4] =========
"tw06_80hh_s200.BladedWind.ipt"  FilenameRoot   - Name of the Full field wind file to use (.wnd, .sum)
 F                               TowerFile      - Have tower file (.twr) (flag)

The intermediate Bladed wind scaling file must contain the following information, which can be retrieved directly from the Bladed project simulation file from the MSTART WINDSEL and MSTART WINDV sections. Additionally, the file may include an XOFFSET line, which allows the wind to be shifted by a given distance. If not included, XOFFSET is assumed to be 0. An example of this Native Bladed scaling file is included in Section 4.12.4.

UBAR  12
TI  0.033333
TI_V  0.026667
TI_W  0.016667
FLINC  .139626222222222
WINDF    "../tw06_80hh_s200.wnd"
WSHEAR    .2

In the above file, the names correspond to the following:


Variable Name






Mean wind speed



Reference height (turbine hub height)




Turbulence intensity in longitudinal (mean wind flow) direction




Turbulence intensity in horizontal direction (orthogonal to mean flow direction)




Turbulence intensity in vertical direction (orthogonal to mean flow direction)




Wind direction (meteorological rotation direction)




Upflow angle (positive is up)




Name of native Bladed wind file (absolute or relative path, 200 character limit)




Power law wind shear exponent



Turbulence box offset in the X direction (how far ahead of the turbine the turbulence box starts). If missing, this value is assumed to be 0.

Limitations: - Wind file is centered on hub height (“Best fit for rotor and tower” not implemented) - Always allow wind file to wrap around (unchecked box not implemented) - Only power-law wind profile is implemented (not logarithmic, none, or user-defined)

4.12.3. Angles Specified in InflowWind

Wind direction and upflow angles can be specified in the InflowWind input file. When using Native Bladed wind file support in InflowWind, the angles from the InflowWind input are overwritten with the values specified in the Native Bladed Input Files. InflowWind rotates the wind box about the hub-height tower center line by these wind direction and upflow angles.

The uniform wind files also specify wind direction and upflow angles. The angles specified in uniform wind files DO NOT rotate the wind box, but just convert the local wind speed into global coordinates.

When converting from local [u v w] to global [U V W] reference systems, the upflow rotation, R(upflow) occurs before the wind direction rotation, R(wind direction):

[U V W] = R(wind direction) * R(upflow) * [u v w]

When using a combination of angles in InflowWind and UniformWind files, the UniformWind angles are applied first.

Note: This means that if you have upflow specified in InflowWind and wind direction specified in UniformWind, the rotation will be performed in a different order than if both angles are specified in the same file.

[U V W] = R(wind direction: InflowWind) * R(upflow: InflowWind) * R(wind direction: UniformWind) * R(upflow: UniformWind) * [u v w]