Future Work
This list contains features that could be implemented in future releases:
Enable times-series input motions for Morison members in the standalone HydroDyn (MorisonInputsMod = 2)
Enable tight-coupling to FAST, including linearization.
Enable wave stretching (WaveStMod > 0).
Enable full support for floating platform force flags.
Enable joint overlap calculations (JointOvrlp = 1).
Enable auto-generation of all possible output channels (OutAll = TRUE).
Add outputs pertaining to the total hydrodynamic applied loads at nodes along members and at joints.
Ensure that the output channels are written in the order they are entered.
Allow for a WAMIT reference point location other than (0,0,0).
Allow RdtnDT to be independent from the FAST simulation time step.
Add distributed axial viscous-drag loads on tapered members.
Add rotational inertia terms for fluid-filled members and marine growth.
Calculate the effective 6x6 added-mass matrix from strip-theory members and place in the HydroDyn summary file.
Add graphics/animation capability to visualize the substructure geometry and motion, wave elevation, and hydrodynamic loads.
Add convective fluid acceleration terms.
Allow for wave directional spreading to include energy spectra that varies with direction (requires changing from the equal-energy method).
Add higher order regular wave kinematics models for fixed-bottom substructures.
Add breaking wave-impact loads for fixed-bottom substructures.
Add floating platform hydro-elastics.
Add pressure mapping for floating platforms.
Added automated computation and use of hydrostatic restoring matrix for strip-theory members.