2.7.1. Building OpenFAST with Spack

The process to build and install OpenFAST with Spack on Linux or macOS is described here. Dependencies

OpenFAST has the following dependencies:

  • LAPACK libraries. Users should set BLAS_LIBRARIES and LAPACK_LIBRARIES appropriately for CMake if the library isn’t found in standard paths. Use BLASLIB as an example when using Intel MKL.

  • For the optional C++ API, HDF5 (provided by HDF5_ROOT) and yaml-cpp (provided by YAML_ROOT)

  • For the optional testing framework, Python 3+ and Numpy Building OpenFAST Semi-Automatically Using Spack on macOS or Linux

The following describes how to build OpenFAST and its dependencies mostly automatically on macOS using Spack. This can also be used as a template to build OpenFAST on any Linux system with Spack.

These instructions were developed on macOS 10.11 with the following tools installed via Homebrew:

  • GCC 6.3.0

  • CMake 3.6.1

  • pkg-config 0.29.2 Step 1

Checkout the official Spack repo from github (we will checkout into ${HOME}):

cd ${HOME} && git clone https://github.com/LLNL/spack.git Step 2

Add Spack shell support to your .profile by adding the lines:

export SPACK_ROOT=${HOME}/spack
. $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/setup-env.sh Step 3

Copy the https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenFAST/openfast/dev/share/spack/package.py file to your installation of Spack:

mkdir ${SPACK_ROOT}/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openfast
cd ${SPACK_ROOT}/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openfast
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenFAST/openfast/dev/share/spack/package.py Step 4

Try spack info openfast to see if Spack works. If it does, check the compilers you have available by:

machine:~ user$ spack compilers
==> Available compilers
-- gcc ----------------------------------------------------------
gcc@6.3.0  gcc@4.2.1

-- clang --------------------------------------------------------
clang@8.0.0-apple  clang@7.3.0-apple Step 5

Install OpenFAST with your chosen version of GCC:

spack install openfast %gcc@6.3.0

To install OpenFAST with the C++ API, do:

spack install openfast+cxx %gcc@6.3.0

That should be it! Spack will automatically use the most up-to-date dependencies unless otherwise specified. For example to constrain OpenFAST to use some specific versions of dependencies you could issue the Spack install command:

spack install openfast %gcc@6.3.0 ^hdf5@1.8.16

The executables and libraries will be located at

spack location -i openfast

Add the appropriate paths to your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to run OpenFAST.