4.7.2. Input Files

The different input files used by ExtPtfm are described in this section. ExtPtfm uses the SI system (kg, m, s, N) No lines should be added or removed from the input files. ExtPftm Module Input File

Prior to OpenFAST 2.3, the ExtPtfm module had no “module” input file, and the Guyan ASCII input file was given directly. This is no longer supported, and a module input file is required. An example of OpenFAST setup with ExtPtfm is available here. An example of ExtPtfm module input file is available here. The format is similar to other OpenFAST module. The input parameters are:

  • DT: Time step for numerical integration (s). The user may specify a time step here or use “default” to rely on the glue-code time-step.

  • IntMethod: numerical method for the time integration. The Runge-Kutta, Adams–Bashforth and Adams–Bashforth-Moutlon methods are available.

  • FileFormat: file format used for the reduction inputs. Available formats are GuyanASCII (see Guyan input file (GuyanASCII)) and FlexASCII (see Superelement input file (FlexASCII))

  • Red_Filename: path of file containing the Guyan/Craig-Bampton inputs.

  • RedCst_Filename: path of file containing the Guyan/Craig-Bampton inputs that are constant. This input is not used yet but may be introduced in the future to accommodate for reduction file formats that use two files: one that contains the constants that are structure dependent (static loads from e.g. gravity and matrices), and one that contain the time-varying signals that are simulation dependent (e.g. loads (on top of the constants loads) and wave elevation)

  • ActiveDOFList: list of size NActiveDOFList containing the CB modes indices that are active. This list is not read if NActiveDOFList<=0. When specified, all system matrices are reshaped as \(\boldsymbol{M}_\text{new}=\boldsymbol{M}(I,I)\) where \(I\) is the list of indices, potentially unsorted and noncontiguous. Setting NActiveDOFList=0 is equivalent to a Guyan reduction. Setting \(\texttt{NActiveCBDOF}=-1\) uses all the CB DOF provided in the input file.

  • InitPosList: list of size NInitPosList containing the initial positions for the CB modes. This list is not read if NInitPosList<=0, in which case all the CB DOF positions are initialized to 0.

  • InitVelList: list of size NInitVelList containing the initial velocities for the CB modes. This list is not read if NInitVelList<=0, in which case all the CB DOF velocities are initialized to 0.

  • SumPrint: Print summary data to <RootName>.sum

  • OutFile , TabDelim, OutFmt, TStart: Output flags, currently unused

  • OutList: Specifies the list of outputs that the user requests. These outputs are described in Output channels. Output channels

Outputs are written to disk via the ’.out’ or ’.outb’ files exported by OpenFAST. The time series of loads and displacements at the interface can be selected in ElastoDyn (e.g. PtfmPitch) Additional “write outputs” are implemented in ExtPtfm, according to the list given below. The symbols used in the theory section (Theory) are also given in the table.

Table 4.5 Output channels for the ExtPtfm module

Channel name





Platform interface force - Directed along the x-direction



Platform interface force - Directed along the y-direction



Platform interface force - Directed along the z-direction



Platform interface moment - Directed along the x-direction




Platform interface moment - Directed along the y-direction




Platform interface moment - Directed along the z-direction




Reduced input force at interface point - Directed along the x-direction



Reduced input force at interface point - Directed along the y-direction



Reduced input force at interface point - Directed along the z-direction



Reduced input moment at interface point - Directed along the x-direction




Reduced input moment at interface point - Directed along the y-direction




Reduced input moment at interface point - Directed along the z-direction




Displacement of CB DOF number XXX (e.g. CBQ_001)




Velocity of CB DOF number XXX (e.g. CBQD_001)




Acceleration of CB DOF number XXX




Reduced input modal force in CB DOF number XXX




Wave elevation provided in the external file

\(\eta\) Guyan input file (GuyanASCII)

The Guyan input files format is a legacy file format used for superelements that only contains 6 interface degrees of freedom. Example

An example of ASCII file that was used for Guyan-Reduced sub-structure is given below, where numerical values are implied instead of M11, t1, Fx1 etc.

  M11 ... M16
  M61 ... M66
  [6 x 6 matrix]
  [6 x 6 matrix]
# time-varying force
# Time  Fx  Fy  Fz   Mx   My    Mz
# s    (N) (N) (N) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m)
  t1   Fx1 Fy1 Fz1  Mx1   My1   Mz1
  tN   FxN FyN FzN  MxN   MyN   MzN Specifications

The format is a fixed form format where the line number are assumed. The format specifications are defined below:

  • ASCII file

  • Line 1 is an arbitrary comment

  • Line 2 must contain ‘#mass‘ (case insensitive). If not, the file format is invalidated. This requirement is important to differentiate between this format and other ASCII formats.

  • Lines: 9 and 16 are comment lines that are ignored

  • Lines 3-8, 10-15, 17-22 contain six float values, forming the elements of the mass, damping and stiffness matrices respectively. These values corresponds to \(\boldsymbol{M}_r\), \(\boldsymbol{K}_r\) and \(\boldsymbol{D}_r\).

  • Lines 23-25 are comment lines and are ignored

  • The remaining lines of the files contain 7 float values, corresponding to the values: \(t\), \([F_x(t)\), \(F_y(t)\), \(F_z(t)\), \(M_x(t)\), \(M_y(t)\), \(M_z(t)] = \boldsymbol{f}_{r1}(t)\). The number of time steps is here noted \(N\) but it is not specified in the file.

In particular the same file format should be used for Guyan and Craig-Bampton reduced substructures. The following sections define formats that can serve for both purposes. Superelement input file (FlexASCII)

This superelement input file is used to provide the system matrices and time series of loads for superelements with an arbitrary number of Craig-Bampton modes. Example

An example of superelement file is available here. A “dummy” example is given below, where numerical values are implied for: n, dt, t, M11, F1 etc.

!Comment Flex 5 Format
!Dimension:                         n
!Time increment in simulation:      dt
!Total simulation time in file:     T
!Mass Matrix (Units (kg,m))
!Dimension:                         n
  M11 ... M1n
  Mn1 ... Mnn
!Stiffness Matrix (Units (N,m))
!Dimension:                         n
  [n x n matrix]
!Damping Matrix (Units (N,m,kg))
!Dimension:                         n
  [n x n matrix]
!Loading and Wave Elevation (Units (N,m))
!Dimension: 1 time column -  n force columns - 1 wave elevation column
  t1   F11 ... F1n eta1
  tN   F1N ... FnN etaN Specifications

The file follows the following specifications:

  • ASCII file

  • Line 1: arbitrary comment that needs to start with an exclamation mark ‘!

  • Line 2: comment which must contain the string ‘Flex 5 format‘ (case insensitive)

  • The following lines are header lines that should start with an exclamation mark.

  • The header lines are either comments or lines containing keyword/value pairs

  • The following (case insensitive) keywords are currently supported for the header:

    • !dimension:‘ followed by the integer n\(=6+n_{CB}\)

    • !time increment in simulation:‘: followed by the time step \(dt\)

    • !total simulation time in file:‘: following by the simulation length \(T\)

  • The remaining lines consists of the following special (case insensitive) keywords:

    • !mass matrix‘: followed by some text. The next line provide a dimension, but it is ignored. The dimension line is then followed by \(n\) lines each containing \(n\) float values These values corresponds to \(\boldsymbol{M}_r\).

    • !stiffness matrix‘: similar to the mass matrix, the values corresponds to \(\boldsymbol{K}_r\).

    • !damping matrix‘: similar to the mass matrix, the values corresponds to \(\boldsymbol{D}_r\).

    • !loading‘: followed by some text. The next line contains the dimensions but is ignored. The remaining lines of the file after this keyword should each contain n+2 values, corresponding to the time \(t\), the loads \(\boldsymbol{f}_r(t)\) and the wave elevation \(\eta(t)\) NOTE: the wave elevation is intended for outputs only, but it is not outputed yet. The number of lines \(N\) should be consistent with the definition of \(dt\) and \(T\) from the header. The inputs are linearly interpolated if the time step is different from the time step of ExtPtfm.

  • For now, the units information and the dimension information after the keywords are ignored. Only the dimension provided in the header is read and should be respected throughout the file. The reason for discarding these information is that at the time of writing, there is no guarantee that this information is always provided, and the format specifications of the units and dimension were not specified.